Slovenske gorice
Slovenske gorice are hills in north-eastern Slovenia and with an area of around 1017 km2 are the largest Slovenian hills. They lie in northeastern Slovenia and are geographically divided into Zahodne Slovenske gorice and Ljutomersko-Ormoške Slovenske gorice (also called Prlekija or Vzhodne Slovenske gorice). The tops of the hills reach up to 300 or 400 meters above sea level. Slovenske Gorice borders the Mura River in the east and north, the Apaška Polje in the northwest, the Drava River in the west, and the border with Croatia in the south. The region is characterized by a sub-Pannonian climate with a pronounced thermal cycle, the average amount of annual precipitation is 1000 mm/m2. According to data from 1991, 92,320 inhabitants lived in the area of Slovenske gorice, and the wider area is characterized by emigration.